Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Here's where the Drama Begins!
So Tuesday we were planning on going to a cattle auction in Oklahoma but ended up sleeping in =) We did drive by there and take a picture tho (see below)
Then we found the "I love this Bar and Grill" that Toby Keith owns so we went in and had a drink. It was a really cool bar that looked like tons of fun at night.
We headed out of Oklahoma around 12:00-1:00 planning to stop in Texas to sleep and head to Albuquerque, New Mexico Wednesday morning. Before we got out of Oklahoma we stopped in Clinton, OK to get an oil change since we were about to hit 3,000 miles. We found a Goodyear Tire and stopped there since it's a well known place. Got the oil change and headed back on our way. While I was driving I got this crazy burst of energy (thank you Rockstar Energy drink) and told Leanne I think we should blow through Texas and drive straight to Albuquerque to get ahead on our trip. About 15 minutes before our exit at Albuquerque her low oil light starts blinking and I ask her if her car normally does this lol (mine does) and she's like "uh NO" so we get to our exit and we hear the car starting to sputter and at the top of the exit the car DIES. I call Tim and he walks me through somethings and I checked the oil and it was COMPLETLY EMPTY! We waited for an hour and half for the tow truck to get there. They towed the car to the dealership and Wednesday morning the dealership calls and says the drain plug is missing and the engine is shot and we have to get a new one. To make this LONG LONG story just long it ended up costing 3600 dollars to fix and we had to stay a whole extra day and night in New Mexico. I called Goodyear and they will DEF be reimbursing us for this!
So we decided to make what we could of it here in New Mexico. The dealership was really cool and gave us a loaner car for free so we went to breakfast (Cracker Barrel *3rd time this week) and took a well needed nap. Then headed to the mall to walk around before our hour and a half massage we scheduled at a spa =) After that we went to Red Lobster for dinner and had Crab, Lobster, Shrimp and their amazing biscuits. Stopped at Walmart rented a movie and stayed in at night.
Today (Thursday) the engine should be done and we can head out. Hopefully the last few days of RoadTrip 08 will be AMAZING that we don't even remember all the drama of the begining.
I have photos for everything but we're having technically difficulties so I will post them with captions later =)
Then we found the "I love this Bar and Grill" that Toby Keith owns so we went in and had a drink. It was a really cool bar that looked like tons of fun at night.
We headed out of Oklahoma around 12:00-1:00 planning to stop in Texas to sleep and head to Albuquerque, New Mexico Wednesday morning. Before we got out of Oklahoma we stopped in Clinton, OK to get an oil change since we were about to hit 3,000 miles. We found a Goodyear Tire and stopped there since it's a well known place. Got the oil change and headed back on our way. While I was driving I got this crazy burst of energy (thank you Rockstar Energy drink) and told Leanne I think we should blow through Texas and drive straight to Albuquerque to get ahead on our trip. About 15 minutes before our exit at Albuquerque her low oil light starts blinking and I ask her if her car normally does this lol (mine does) and she's like "uh NO" so we get to our exit and we hear the car starting to sputter and at the top of the exit the car DIES. I call Tim and he walks me through somethings and I checked the oil and it was COMPLETLY EMPTY! We waited for an hour and half for the tow truck to get there. They towed the car to the dealership and Wednesday morning the dealership calls and says the drain plug is missing and the engine is shot and we have to get a new one. To make this LONG LONG story just long it ended up costing 3600 dollars to fix and we had to stay a whole extra day and night in New Mexico. I called Goodyear and they will DEF be reimbursing us for this!
So we decided to make what we could of it here in New Mexico. The dealership was really cool and gave us a loaner car for free so we went to breakfast (Cracker Barrel *3rd time this week) and took a well needed nap. Then headed to the mall to walk around before our hour and a half massage we scheduled at a spa =) After that we went to Red Lobster for dinner and had Crab, Lobster, Shrimp and their amazing biscuits. Stopped at Walmart rented a movie and stayed in at night.
Today (Thursday) the engine should be done and we can head out. Hopefully the last few days of RoadTrip 08 will be AMAZING that we don't even remember all the drama of the begining.
I have photos for everything but we're having technically difficulties so I will post them with captions later =)
Memphis and Oklahoma City

*LeAnne and I*

So the roadtrip continues. Sunday we went to Downtown Nashville which must only be fun at night because we were not impressed at all with it so we got in the car and headed to Memphis. The drive wasn't too bad since it was one of our shorter drives (4 hours). We got there checked in our hotel and headed out to go to Rendezvous a restraunt known for there ribs (we were super excited to eat real food and not fast food). It wasn't too far from our hotel so we decided to walk there. Once we found the place we also found out they aren't open on Sundays and Mondays so we had to move to plan B (walk down the street and pick a random place). We ended up eating at a place who said they had the best burgers for the past 25 years and a live band that night so we decided to eat there. We ended up staying there for 4 hours just hanging out which was the most fun we had on the trip so far. Oh sidenote at this place you can spit toothpicks into the ceiling and see if you can get them to stick. I had my heart set on going out on the town, dancing and having a good time so we left Huey's, went back to the hotel, got ready and headed out to the main street that has all the bars and night life. Nedless to say I was VERY UPSET. Every bar was empty, had no dancing and it was like a dead city. We walked by the Coyote Ugly bar and there wasn't a sole in there except the door guy. I was in such a bad mood (leanne was a good sport trying to cheer me up). We decided to go back to Huey's and hang out there for the night. The night ended up being really fun. We made friends at the bar and the bartender is a Family Guy fan so I got to sit, drink and watch family guy at the bar. I also got four toothpicks to stick in the ceiling (it's harder than it sounds). We were there until 3am until they closed.
Monday morning we got up and went to Graceland!! I love going to places like that but I hate not having a guide to ask questions. It was pretty cool to see his house and his private planes and cars. After graceland we drove to Oklahoma City to Stay for the night. This is where the drama begins but I will put that in another post since this one is getting lengthy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I need Help!
Hey everyone,
Is there a way to make my blog private like how myspace does it so only specific people (like all of you) =) can see it?
Is there a way to make my blog private like how myspace does it so only specific people (like all of you) =) can see it?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Let the Roadtrip Begin

We are on day two of our roadtrip and lets just say it's been quite a crazy start! Friday night we went out with Leanne's friends to go bowling for her last night home (she lives in Charlotte). Being competitive runs in our blood so my cousin bets her friend that she would win in bowling and then proceeds to bowl the worst game of her life. Needless to say she lost the bet. Oh I forgot to mention the terms of the bet. Loser had to singer Karaoke at the bar in the bowling alley. My cousin is terrified to sing kareokee esp in NC because they don't do Karaoke for fun like we do at home. The people who were singing were crazy good! So after begging me lol I decided to take one for the team and go up and sing karaoke with her (sober). We picked the song "Leader of the Pack" and it was a lot of fun. I am a HORRIBLE singer but that's the fun part of karaoke.

Saturday we got up and started our 8 hour drive for the day through the Smokey Mountains to Nashville. What a drive. We made a few stops when we thought we were ahead of schedule and then once we figured out we were actually behind all the fun began =) We hit crazy traffic, our map was wrong and we hadn't eatin a good meal in two days! We FINALLY got to Nashville with a half hour to get ready and get to the Grand Ol' Opry. We ended up missing the last shuttle to the Opry and walking there because it wasn't too far from our hotel. Again we got lost and once we finally got to the show we were a half hour late. We were planning to go out after the show but after our rough first day decided to go to bed and start fresh in the morning. We are on our way out to downtown Nashville to walk around and relax. Only three hours of driving today so it should be a MUCH better day =)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What a Day!
So today turned out to be a G-R-E-A-T day! To start it was my last day of work for 10 days and for the second part of the day I was out advertising with Sara so it hardly felt like work. Then when we got back to work (an hour before we had to leave) =) I got an email from SPIRIT airlines for cheap flights to Ft. Lauderdale in January. Well Jessica and I have been waiting for this email for a couple of weeks now so we could get cheap airfare and book our cruise (there are 4 of us couples who have been planning to go on a cruise in January 09 for a year now) We checked it out and found dates to fly to match one of our cruise options and ended up getting our airfare for a total of (taxes and all) $40 a person. CRAZY I KNOW! Then our Cruise which is January 26 thru the 30 was $600 for each couple. So for a week vacation Tim and I are paying a grand total of 680. I am so geeked. It's going to be a great trip with some awesome friends. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL I leave tomorrow for North Carolina to take a 10 day road trip with my cousin to L.A. We are stopping along the way going to the Grand Ol' Opry and climbing mountains and all kinds of crazy stuff. But not only do I get to spend all that time with my cousin but her work is paying for our gas, hotel and food (she is an engineer and has to be in Cali for 6 months for an outage so we are driving her there FYI). YES I KNOW GOD LOVES ME =) Anyways I'm just so excited!!! I've been able to travel quite a bit in the past few years (Aruba, Bahamas, Las Vegas, California Cruise, NYC, East Coast Road Trip). I hope that will continue but if not I'm thankful for the adventures I've had so far! Sorry no pictures yet but they will follow =)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What a weekend!
I was so busy this weekend I didn't even get time to blog! I'm such a slacker =) Friday night I stayed home and made carmel apples with Elisabeth, Grace and Jaelyn. I love all my babies. Six girls in my life and I couldn't be happier. Saturday was INSANE! I went to two Mom2Mom sales with my sisters and got lots of cute things for Brianna for the winter. Then I met Traci and Jakki at David's Bridal to get my Maid of Honor dress =) After that Traci, Chris, Tim and I went to the Detroit Historical Museum and Dinner at the Beer Company in Detroit. That night us four Sean and Stephanie went to Slaughter at Sundown where we stood in line for two hours for the hayride and then went in the haunted house. Saturday was a BUSY day! Sunday I slept in (I know I should have went to church) and then went to Sam's Club with Jessica and Tim. Sunday night we went and saw Jeni's new apartment which looks amazing! I'm so happy for you Captain. Then after that we went to Red Robin (our favorite place) for dinner. Now I know that's boring to read but here's the fun part. If you know Tim and I we fight about who has to pay for dinner (ha ha yes it's true love) but we decided to play credit card roulette. For those of you who don't know what that is everyone at the end of dinner puts a credit card in a hat, purse something and then you each pick out a credit card until there is only one left and that person has to pay the entire bill. Well we both put a credit card under a napkin and asked the waitress to pull one out and the one left under the napkin had to pay. Let's just say dinner didn't put a dent in my wallet ;) The waitress was like "That is so cool. Most couples you see is like 'oh honey let me get this' and here you two are like 'ok get the card out." We were laughing. I love that we can just be completly ourselves and have fun together. Anyways that was A LOT of babbling for all of you and if you know me I LOVE pictures so here is some photos from the weekend.

*The girls Friday night minus my mom and I who were taking the picture
*Chris, Traci, Tim at the Detroit Historical Museum
*Stephanie, Sean, Traci, Chris, Me and Tim waiting in line at Slaughter at Sundown
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gambling with my Grandma

So Sunday morning my Grandma and I left on a bus tour to go to the U.P. to gamble at Kewadin Casinos. I was on the bus with a group of 60 people and I was the youngest person by atleast 25 years. Now most people would think this wasn't fun but let me tell you I had a BLAST!!!! We left New Baltimore at 7:00am Sunday and made a rest stop at Birch run at 8:00. We got back on the bus around 8:45am and then the maddness began. Two women on the bus started handing out Jell-o shots and my Grandma's friend Lorraine and her children had brought beer, hot damn, butterscotch schnapps, Bacardi and the list goes on. I was shocked lol. My Grandma and I did Jell-o shots together. I never thought I'd see the day where I could say that ha ha. Then Lorraine (who by the way has to be 70) hands us a McDonalds coffee cup and inside it has a screwdriver. I was cracking up. I told them they knew how to do it better than college kids and they all just laughed. We played games, had a raffle and my Grandma and I played cards all the way there. It made the time up to the U.P. fly by. I didn't do so well gambling but it was well worth it. My Grandma and I are planning to do it again soon and next time we'll bring something to pass =)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My Saturday Morning with Brianna

*Watching Scooby Doo and Eating lunch =)
Tuesday, Thursdays and every other weekend I get to spend time with my beezy weezy. But Saturday mornings are my favorite time because we get to spend time together just us. Reading books, playing puzzles, coloring, drawing are just some of our favorite things to do. She's so amazing. Today we decided to rent some movies and relax since it was a little chilly today and she's still getting over a cold. While watching Scooby Doo I decided to fold the laundry and out of no where B tells me she wants to help and takes the washcloths and folds them perfectly and puts them in the towels pile. She just lights up my life. She's growing up wayyyy too fast. Anyways before I babble on here's some pictures from our laundry adventure.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My boss went to lunch =)

So all day I've been trying to figure out this thing. I'm FINALLY (after spending all morning and afternoon) starting to get the hang of this blogging stuff. My boss ran out for a minute so when the boss is away the mice will play =)
Anyways Tim had emailed me this photo Tuesday of Brianna at our favorite place to eat (can you guess where?). He said all the waitresses were at the table telling him how cute she is and talking to them etc. You know he was eating up every minute of it lol. I was very jealous I didn't get to go but I L-O-V-E this photo. She's growing up so fast.
I'll be back on tonight addicted to trying to make my blog pretty. Adios
I blame Jeni
So every time I hang out with Jeni she is checking her blog and then I get sucked into reading how everyone is and what's going on in everyones lives so here I am joining the blogging world. You're gonna have to help me make it look pretty Jeni =)
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