So apparently I have a really hard time keeping up with a blog :) I'm doing better tho. I went from a 3 year hiatus to 5 months lol. So Shall we play catch up :)
Summer Time:
What a busy season. We get Brianna 3 weeks in the summer for summer vacation so it's always nice to be able to spend extended amount of time with her. Our Church (The Rock) had a Summer Camp that we signed her up for and she loved it. I'm so thankful we did as she was able to meet other kids at the church and get to know the leaders better since she only goes with us every other Sunday.
Alexis, Ryanne, Zara and I spent quite a bit of time up at my parents cottage. It's so nice to go there since it's only about an hour ride and just a place to "get away from it all." Alexis loves the water and Ryanne well she was only six months at this time so she didn't really do much lol. Although she loved the park and going on the swings :)
Ryanne Started sitting up on her own this summer at the cottage.
Alexis talks so much!!! Her favorite words are:
Momma (obviously HAHAHAHAH)
B (brianna)
Ry Ry
Apple (not to be confused with the food because she doesn't eat apples she is strictly talking MAC products lol)
IPad (yes it's true and she says it very clearly lol)
Behbou (bless you) anytime anyone sneezes
I DON'T KNOW (Anytime you ask her where something is that she can't see right away)
I KNOW (and she knows the difference in when to use I don't know and I know lol)
Oh-Boy (classic Sancrant)
NO (anytime she doesn't want something)
No No No (when she doesn't want Ryanne to do something)
Elmo (Thanks to my mom since when she had her for 10 days she got her hooked on Elmo)
Water (that is the only drink she's allowed)
As I'm typing I realize Alexis says A LOT of words/phrases. All her cousins names, Grandma and Grandpa, Snickers (she calls both summer and snickers the same name lol). I'll stop listing now lol
In August Tim and I went to one of My Best Friend's Wedding in Destin, Florida. I was the maid of honor and we had a BLAST. What a beautiful bride she was and a perfect couple they are. Following the wedding a group of friends drove to New Orleans to go on a 7 day cruise. Oh man did we have so much fun. We went to Jamaica, Caymen Islands and Couzmel. Went to some Natural Springs in Jamaica, we went swimming with Sting Rays in Caymen's and went to Paradise Beach in Couzmel. What a RELAXING vacation. A NEEDED one too. 10 days was too long for me tho. That was the first time I ever left my kids over night ever and well before day 10 I was missing them A LOT! Next Vacation will be more like a long weekend.
Ryanne started crawling in September. She is all over the place now. She cruises along the furniture and stands on her own for a solid 5-10 seconds. I bet she'll be walking before her 1st Birthday :)
She also has her two bottom teeth and got her two "fang" teeth for Halloween lol. She is cutting the two "normal" top teeth now. She wakes up from teething where Alexis never did so that is a new experience for me (to have to get up in the middle of the night LOL). Ryanne has been sleeping through the night (with the exception of teething) since about 3 months.
Brianna turned 7 on September 17th. She's in the second grade now and is all grown up :( Alexis is the same age Brianna was when Tim and I started dating. I still remember having a Dora cake for her second birthday and meeting his family at her party. Oh how time flys! She is so sweet and always wanting to help out. My little beezy isn't so little anymore. She's in Cheerleading at Elite Cheer and it has really helped with corrdination. She went from not even being able to do a cartwheel to being able to do round-offs, back walk overs, splits and more. I'm glad she's enjoying it!
Alexis, Alexis, Alexis she just LOVES to get into everything. She pushes a chair up to wherever she wants to go whether it's to "do the dishes", get the ipad or turn the lights on and off. She is my little smarty pants. Always thinking of a way to get what she wants done. She is so good on the Ipad I don't even supervisor when she's on it. She goes in and out of the folders herself, plays all the games watches PBS. I'm going to have to start limiting her play time on there since that's all she wants to do LOL.
We didn't end up going out trick-or-treating this year (well ALexis, Ryanne and I didn't). Brianna and Tim went in the cold and rain but the rest of us stayed home. Next year I'll buy warmer costumes so they can go. A princess and pumpkin just weren't cutting it. We did however go to The Rocktober Bash at church with the Babjack's and Lewis Family which was a TON of fun and Brianna went to Tilson street in Romeo (during the day of course) with Uncle Kivin, Aunt Courtney and Jordan. This is their 2nd year in a row they've gone. It's actually pretty cool. Hopefully next year we can all go :)
Now we are to November and let the Holiday madness begin. We are busy every weekend and then December isn't any better LOL.
I'd post photos but I feel like I would have to post so many to catch up the summer lol. So photos are on Facebook :)
I'll TRY to keep up on here and that way I can put photos with it. Adios!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
It's a record!!
Ryanne just said mama!! Tim even heard her!! I'm gonna be her favorite :)
She's also rolling from back to belly now which is always fun for naps :/
She's also rolling from back to belly now which is always fun for naps :/
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Ryanne rolled over :)
I haven't really pushed the whole Tummy Time with her because mostly she is in a Bumbo chair to keep Alexis from pushing on her belly. So yesterday Tim took Alexis with him to drop Brianna off at her moms and Ryanne and I decided to have some Tummy Time. She was doing great holding her head up so high and then she rolled over :) So proud of her. It's the little things in life
Monday, April 30, 2012
Twist and scoop ice-cream
Twist and Scoop ice cream had their 5th birthday this weekend. They had a fire truck, bounce house and $1 scoops of ice cream. The girls has a blast :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
My little chatty book worm
Jason and Stacey's Wedding Shower
My mom, Shannon, Aunt Janie, Ryanne and I went to my cousin's wedding shower out in Wixom. It was nice :) I got a picture of my mom and her sisters which they probably haven't done that in 20 years.
21 Jump Street
On my way home from my cousin's wedding shower I decided I wanted to go see a movie but who would go with me! Who lives by me that would go? MICHAELIN :) we went and saw 21 Jump Street at 10:20pm lol. Thanks for going with me Michaelin. I always love when we get together and it makes me miss you a lot! I laughed through the whole movie :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Alexis and David
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Aunt Janie Comes to Visit

My mom's sister is in town from Colorado. She sends the kids little notes and gifts all the time. She's such a wonderful Great Aunt. Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays and just because. The kids love getting gifts from Aunt Janie.
Shall I name them all :)
Brianna 6, Joy 3, Jaelyn 6, Elisabeth 8, Grace 6, Jordyn 4,
David 1, Alexis 1, Joshua 2, Ryanne 3 months
Stoke's Girls Sleep over
Saturday Night we had our first sleep Over with Jaelyn and Jordyn. The girls played and then they watched Barbie the Princess and the Pauper before bed. When I went to wake them up in the morning this is what I found. I can't wait to see my girls grow up together and be this close
Easter 2012
Easter Sunday we got up and went to church. It didn't even cross Brianna's mind to look for an Easter basket lol. So after church we reminded her and the hunt started :) Alexis followed her all around the house until they found their baskets in the washer and dryer. Alexis had cheetos and Animal crackers in hers (she loves her snacks lol) and Brianna had a necklace, glasses, gloves, nail polish, gum, lip gloss and probably more I can't remember. We then went to my parents house for dinner and an Easter Egg hunt and ended our day at Tim's Aunt Nancy's house for desert. I was definatly ready for bed when we got home. It's exhausting traveling with two babies and a six year old. Glad we're hosting Mother's Day :)
We did take a family Easter photo. I will post it in a future post :)
Warren Pool with the Cousins
Alexis and Joy after swimming
Grace and Jaelyn
Since we had Brianna for Easter Break this year and Jessica and the kids were in town from Aruba we decided to go to the Warren pool. All the kids (including Alexis) had fun but I think next time we will need another adult or two. We had a 9 to 3 ratio and 4 of the 9 kids can't swim. We definatly stayed busy
Brianna and Jordan Sleepover
My Birthday Celebration
This year was my "golden birthday" (when you turn the age of the date you were born). To celebrate Tim and I went to dinner with our friends Tristan and Nicole and then went to the Lady Antebellum concert. It was amazing. We had great seats! Big shout out to my parents for babysitting while we went.
We ran into our girlfriends Stacey, Maria, Lauren and Melissa
Also my girl Renee from Rockpointe! Boy do I miss her
Let's play Catch up :)
So the last time I blogged was December 28, 2008. Wow how time flies. LOTS sure can change in 4 years. Since I last blogged I have gotten married, bought a house, got a dog and had two kids. So lets start from where we left off :)
In April 2009 on Easter Tim took me to the park where we first met (at the Fraser Fireworks), got down down on one knee and handed me five Easter eggs one at a time (after professing his love for me in words) :) The first egg had a note that said "will" the second "you" the third "marry" the fourth "me" and then the fifth egg had my ring in it :) It truly was the perfect moment and he did a great job. I couldn't have asked for anything better!

We spent the summer planning the wedding and in July we bought our house. Tim spent the next two months fixing up our house and made it look beautiful!! We moved in after our honeymoon.
On September 6, 2009 we got married at Heritage Garden in Shelby Township. Our reception was at the Monte Carlo. Everything went great except my cake started to "fall" lol.
I actually found it quite comical and didn't mind at all. At least everyone remembers my wedding because of it :)
We brought in our first New Years as a married couple at Tina's Country Club with our good friends Kivin and Courtney who live 23 houses away :)
In April of 2010 our first baby girl (we didn't know that then lol) Alexis was conceived. I had a great pregnancy with no sickness or anything. Especially since my sister and best friend spent most of their pregnancy puking I can't complain one bit! I continued to work up until the week before Alexis was born. I went in the hospital on December 28th at 7:00pm. They put me on cervidil (HORRIBLE) and then the next morning they started the pitocin at 8:00am. My mid-wives didn't expect me to deliver Alexis until about 5pm-12:00am. Little did they know I wasn't going to last that long lol. Wendy my midwife walked in the door and I told her "I need to push" and she said "ok start pushing" as she was setting up the room. I go "shouldn't you be here to catch the baby" expecting her to just shoot out. 2o minutes later out she came. My other midwife Mary walked in the door just in time for the delivery lol. Alexis Christine Sancrant was born December 29, 2010 at 12:24pm. What a healthy beautiful babygirl!!
I had decided to be a SAHM (Stay at home mom) and have LOVED every minute of it. We spend everyday together and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Well I had told everyone I wanted to put 2-3 years between my kids because I only wanted to have one in diapers at a time. Well God had a different plan (I'm so thankful for his because I wouldn't trade my situation for anything). I was breastfeeding and thought that would be good enough birth control and the fact that we didn't really "spend time" together since Alexis was sleeping in our room. Apparently you are very fertile after having a baby lol
So in April of 2011 our second baby girl Ryanne was conceived. I knew right away I was pregnant. I took a test and it was negative but I knew it was just a matter of time before I was far enough along for it to read +. Two weeks later I took another test and there it was the + sign. I was devastated at first because my "plan" was all messed up but this has turned into the best thing ever. Alexis and Ryanne were actually conceived on the same day with the same due date (January 2). I was induced with Ryanne on December 27, 2011 (I picked that day instead of Alexis's birthday because I didn't know if they would want their birthday's on the same day). This time my midwife Mary didn't have me come in the night before for the cervidil and was there for the whole labor and not just delivery lol. I was put on pitocin at 10am and at 2:24pm Ryanne Noelle Sancrant was born. Both labors were only 4 hours long but defiantly different. I only pushed for 4 minutes with Ryanne and I was only dilated to about an 8 when I started pushing because I just couldn't help it lol. Her face was bruised because she came out so quick. Poor girl. But what a precious little girl she is.
Everyone said that this was going to be so hard having "Irish Twins" but I LOVE IT! It's so great having them so close in age and as Ryanne gets older seeing them interact together. IF I have anymore kids I would want to have another "set". My kids are my world and I love them to death.
So just a quick recap :) Engaged in 2009, Married in 2009, Alexis born in 2010, Ryanne born in 2011 and Brianna (my step-daughter) is now 6 1/2 in the first grade.
This is Brianna and Zara at Zara's 1st birthday party :)
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