So the last time I blogged was December 28, 2008. Wow how time flies. LOTS sure can change in 4 years. Since I last blogged I have gotten married, bought a house, got a dog and had two kids. So lets start from where we left off :)
In April 2009 on Easter Tim took me to the park where we first met (at the Fraser Fireworks), got down down on one knee and handed me five Easter eggs one at a time (after professing his love for me in words) :) The first egg had a note that said "will" the second "you" the third "marry" the fourth "me" and then the fifth egg had my ring in it :) It truly was the perfect moment and he did a great job. I couldn't have asked for anything better!

We spent the summer planning the wedding and in July we bought our house. Tim spent the next two months fixing up our house and made it look beautiful!! We moved in after our honeymoon.
On September 6, 2009 we got married at Heritage Garden in Shelby Township. Our reception was at the Monte Carlo. Everything went great except my cake started to "fall" lol.
I actually found it quite comical and didn't mind at all. At least everyone remembers my wedding because of it :)
We brought in our first New Years as a married couple at Tina's Country Club with our good friends Kivin and Courtney who live 23 houses away :)
In April of 2010 our first baby girl (we didn't know that then lol) Alexis was conceived. I had a great pregnancy with no sickness or anything. Especially since my sister and best friend spent most of their pregnancy puking I can't complain one bit! I continued to work up until the week before Alexis was born. I went in the hospital on December 28th at 7:00pm. They put me on cervidil (HORRIBLE) and then the next morning they started the pitocin at 8:00am. My mid-wives didn't expect me to deliver Alexis until about 5pm-12:00am. Little did they know I wasn't going to last that long lol. Wendy my midwife walked in the door and I told her "I need to push" and she said "ok start pushing" as she was setting up the room. I go "shouldn't you be here to catch the baby" expecting her to just shoot out. 2o minutes later out she came. My other midwife Mary walked in the door just in time for the delivery lol. Alexis Christine Sancrant was born December 29, 2010 at 12:24pm. What a healthy beautiful babygirl!!
I had decided to be a SAHM (Stay at home mom) and have LOVED every minute of it. We spend everyday together and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Well I had told everyone I wanted to put 2-3 years between my kids because I only wanted to have one in diapers at a time. Well God had a different plan (I'm so thankful for his because I wouldn't trade my situation for anything). I was breastfeeding and thought that would be good enough birth control and the fact that we didn't really "spend time" together since Alexis was sleeping in our room. Apparently you are very fertile after having a baby lol
So in April of 2011 our second baby girl Ryanne was conceived. I knew right away I was pregnant. I took a test and it was negative but I knew it was just a matter of time before I was far enough along for it to read +. Two weeks later I took another test and there it was the + sign. I was devastated at first because my "plan" was all messed up but this has turned into the best thing ever. Alexis and Ryanne were actually conceived on the same day with the same due date (January 2). I was induced with Ryanne on December 27, 2011 (I picked that day instead of Alexis's birthday because I didn't know if they would want their birthday's on the same day). This time my midwife Mary didn't have me come in the night before for the cervidil and was there for the whole labor and not just delivery lol. I was put on pitocin at 10am and at 2:24pm Ryanne Noelle Sancrant was born. Both labors were only 4 hours long but defiantly different. I only pushed for 4 minutes with Ryanne and I was only dilated to about an 8 when I started pushing because I just couldn't help it lol. Her face was bruised because she came out so quick. Poor girl. But what a precious little girl she is.
Everyone said that this was going to be so hard having "Irish Twins" but I LOVE IT! It's so great having them so close in age and as Ryanne gets older seeing them interact together. IF I have anymore kids I would want to have another "set". My kids are my world and I love them to death.
So just a quick recap :) Engaged in 2009, Married in 2009, Alexis born in 2010, Ryanne born in 2011 and Brianna (my step-daughter) is now 6 1/2 in the first grade.
This is Brianna and Zara at Zara's 1st birthday party :)
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